1. Get permission before detecting on private land. Never Trespass.
2. Make an agreement on sharing finds with the landowner to avoid any later misunderstandings.
3. Report all your finds to the landowner, even those that must be declared to the Coroner as well.
4. Remember to shut all gates, never walk through standing crops, do not startle animals or nesting birds.
5. Fill all holes, even on ploughed land or beaches. Never leave a mess or damage grass, a sharp trowel will cut a neat plug and once replaced and firmed in, the find spot will almost be invisible.
6. Most metal rubbish can be recycled, the Planet belongs to all of us, so dispose of your unwanted iron, lead, cans, silver paper etc. With care for the environment, and never leave junk on the site.
7. Never detect on a scheduled archaeological site, to do so is a criminal offence unless you have permission from the Secretary of State for National Heritage.
8. Report all Gold or Silver artefacts over 300 years old to the local Coroner, also hoards of coins or plate of any age or material.
9. All bombs, mines, ammunition or chemical containers, should have the find spot marked and be reported to the Police. Never attempt to move them yourself.
10. As a FID member you have a lot to be proud of, so always be friendly to people who ask about your hobby, help them find lost metal objects when requested and never break this "Code of Conduct" or give the hobby a bad image.
(C) Copyright FID 1996